The Dunbar Village Business Association is one of 22 business improvement associations of the City of Vancouver’s Business Improvement Area Program. Approved in the Spring of 2008, the Business Improvement Area (BIA) includes all the businesses and property owners along Dunbar Street from W16th Avenue to W41st Avenue and east along W41st to Collingwood St. Interestingly, the BIA is divided into three distinct areas:
- North Dunbar between W16th and W19th Avenues
- Central Dunbar between West King Edward and W30th Avenues
- Dunbar Southlands between W38th and W41st Avenues and east along West 41st to Collingwood St.
Nearly 250 shops, services and property owners make up its membership, catering to a wide variety of needs of Dunbar residents and those from further afield. We are self-funded by a annual tax levy on commercial properties within the BIA of $0.83 per $1000 of assessed value. The City of Vancouver bylaw to collect this levy is in place until March 31, 2018 and may be renewed for another 5 years at that time
Getting here
Hang tight, determining walk score...
Grade: ~ out of 100