
The North West CruiseShip Association (NWCA) is a not-for-profit association representing the major cruise lines operating in the Pacific Northwest – Canada, Alaska, Washington State and Hawaii. The Association was established in 1986, initially for the purpose of providing security services to the member lines. Its role was later expanded to include government and community relations on legal and regulatory issues. NWCA also works to develop strong partnerships with the communities where they are based and those they visit. The Association provides support for the work of local organizations to mitigate industry-related concerns and to develop local opportunities. It supports economic and environmental studies related to the industry, and collaborates with government agencies to assure a workable regulatory environment. The NWCA office is located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The Association has affiliate associations based in Alaska, Fort Lauderdale and Hawaii.
Getting here
Hang tight, determining walk score...
Grade: ~ out of 100