Tree Vancouver – Our Spectacular Urban Forest

January 16, 2018
By Jane Weiss
3 min read

Recently, while travelling on the Canada Line Sky Train from Bridgeport to Waterfront station, I found myself sitting beside a tourist from Germany. To my great delight, there were no cell phones in sight, and we were both present and engaged. Despite my lack of German and her limited English we managed to strike up a lively conversation.With unbridled enthusiasm, she eloquently described her love for Canada and specifically Vancouver. Fascinated, I probed to gain a better understanding of her interest in our fair city.

Photo: Rob Weiss

Expecting her to talk about exquisite dining, our lively Club scene, or Stanley Park, I was thrilled to learn that it was our towering trees that touched her heart. She was fascinated by the lush, green canopy that covers Vancouver. Conversely, she seemed quite puzzled that locals appeared to take our natural beauty for granted. Probing, I could not help but ask if she had a favourite tree. Her answer gave me pause. Without hesitation, she declared, “Maple Trees, of course.” Expecting her to elaborate on the maple leaf and connection to our flag, I was surprised to hear her say, “in summer these beautiful trees give you shade, yet in winter they drop their leaves to give you light.” I was profoundly touched by her wisdom.

Photo: Rob Weiss

All too quickly, we arrived at Waterfront Station, and I must confess, I felt a little wistful while saying goodbye. Her love of nature was infectious and listening to her descriptions brought me joy. Inspired by her passion, I decided to learn more about our urban forest. Did you know the City of Vancouver, actually has a tree farm and a tree inventory system? Each year, the Vancouver Park Board plants thousands of new seedlings. In fact, we have such an abundance of trees that it requires eight years to systematically prune them all. Eight years!

Photo: Rob Weiss

Furthermore, should you be wondering about a specific tree on one particular street, the City of Vancouver provides free and open access to a Data Catalogue, which includes a detailed listing of all public trees on boulevards and city streets, likely more information than you will ever need or perhaps desire? From fruity apple trees to towering and handsome maples, our canopy is diverse, beautiful, resilient, and dare I say a tourist attraction? An excellent reminder to stop and view your surroundings with a “tourist’s eyes.” You might just discover the World’s most spectacular Urban Forest in Tree Vancouver!

Photo: Rob Weiss

Vancouver urban forest
Canada Line Sky Train
Vancouver tourism
urban nature
Vancouver trees
German tourist
city natural beauty