Scuba Dive in Vancouver’s Backyard

Diving in British Columbia is fun, stunningly beautiful, and like skiing, if you wear the right gear – warm and cosy!
Check out these videos that highlight a few spots that you can go for a dive:
The British Columbia Wreck Trek Passport is a fun way to learn about and explore the artificial reefs, and shipwrecks of BC.
Passports can be obtained for free at any BC dive store, charter or resort.
Diving with sea lions and snorkeling with seals is one of the most unique animal encounters you can have, and BC is the best place in the world to get up close and personal with these cute and curious creatures. But it doesn’t have to stop there, say hello to your sea lion friends then check out some incredible dive sites, shipwrecks, freshwater lakes and rivers, walls, pinnacles and reefs all over British Columbia.