Colours of Vancouver – Welcome Spring!

They say patience is a virtue, and if you are an avid fan of spring flowers and blossom viewing, this year’s unusually long, cold, snowy winter has certainly tested your patience. But, dare I say the wait is over! Snowdrops are dropping, daffodils are dazzling, and the promise of new growth and regeneration is in the air. Congratulations – we made it! Our beloved cherry blossoms and spring flowers are returning with a delightful vengeance.

Without question, spring is my favourite season, and the West Coast of beautiful British Columbia never disappoints. Nature bursts at the seams with an explosion of colours, sights and sounds, new life and new beginnings. Excitedly, I find myself monitoring shrubs and bushes for new growth. I listen intently for the sound of songbirds chirping, and I observe the ocean closely watching for seal pups. Eagle and Heron viewing is at its’ best as these majestic birds can be observed building their nests. Mother Nature is certainly busy.

Despite grumblings about Daylight Savings Time, I savour the extra hour of daylight and the opportunity for a sunset stroll on the seawall. My personal “Happy Hour” so to speak. I am not alone. Dare I say, warmer temperatures help to chase the doldrums away, and Vancouverites are ready to celebrate, for spring holds the promise of the Cherry Blossom Festival and picnics, outdoor patios, Farmer’s Markets, Nooners at the Nat and long walks on the beach. Welcome Spring – we have missed you!

Best Places to View Spring Flowers:

Often, I am asked to recommend the “best place” to photograph spring flowers. What a difficult question! Certainly, Queen Elizabeth Park, Stanley Park and Van Dusen Botanical Garden should be at the top of your list, but personally, I love strolling or cycling along neighbourhood side streets. To assist us in our quest for colour, the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Website features a comprehensive, neighbourhood blossom map complete with a “Blooming Now” feature. What better trip planning tool could you ask for?