A Vancouver Newcomer’s Observations Vol 7: Oyster Loyalty

November 8, 2016
By Britanny Burr
4 min read

Hey Vancouver! I’m Britanny, and I’ve been calling Vancouver home for a just couple of short months. After what I’ve been told was one of the gloomier Vancouver Octobers, I can confidently say I’m here to stay. It was absolutely tolerable. In fact, I loved every fresh, rain-smelling minute. I’ve come to realize a whole lot of things about this city since arriving, many of them seafood related, of course!

I know it sounds ridiculous, but while planning to move west to Vancouver, there was one thing that was getting me really excited to be by the sea (apart from just being by the sea of course): Oysters! I have always been an oyster lover, which I now find surprising having first tried them in an interior province. It seems to me that oysters are the cilantro of the ocean, meaning you either positively love them or cannot stand them. If you’re an oyster hater, you may not identify so much with this article.

Now, choosing a place to go for oysters is not something you do willy nilly, I did my research. I asked countless Vancouverites where I should go to get my oyster fix. You see, I didn’t just want oysters, I wanted the best oysters in Vancouver. Granted, the crustaceans themselves aren’t the only thing I was taking into account. My new oyster go-to had to have good vibes, an inviting atmosphere, a lot of wine, and other such things that might affect your oyster-having experience. On searching, I noticed something interesting. The locals I asked never took a second to think, they never listed off multiple places, and they most certainly did not reply with an “I don’t know.” Rather, they had their favourite oyster spot on the tip of their tongue, and were ready to sing its praises. I found it very endearing and simultaneously a little strange, this oyster loyalty.

Photo: Nomss.com
Photo: Narcity

I heard “well, you need to go to Chewies, they pour their wine to the brim!” or “COAST can’t be beat, that oyster bar is incredible!” or “The Boathouse is the perfect place for oysters and a panoramic view of Kits Beach!” and so on!. The answers varied, but the devoted nature of the suggestions did not. I wondered, why are Vancouverites so loyal to their favourite oyster spot? Before moving here, to me, an oyster was an oyster, you throw your fixings on top and throw it back; I guess I was just happy to see oysters on the menu on the rare occasion I did!

Here on the coast It’s a whole new ball game. Of course Vancouver locals can be picky about their oyster experience, you can find oysters everywhere! If you’re settling for simply eating oysters, my friend you are doing it wrong. Here’s what I suggest, if you’re not from Vancouver, ask a Vancouver local what their favourite oyster place is and ask WHY. These loyal oyster fans have been in the oyster-eating game for years, and they have come to their conclusions slowly and carefully. Vancouverites are oyster experts, so don’t be asking Yelp, hit the streets and ask around!

Take it from me, word of mouth is a blessing in this city, especially if you’re talking seafood! So tell me, Vancouverites, what’s your favourite place to grab oysters in and around the city?

Until Next Week, New-B

newcomer observations
Vancouver October
city life
fresh perspective

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