Where to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show in Vancouver

With the recent re-imagining of the Rocky Horror Picture Show (starring Laverne Cox from Orange is the New Black) receiving mixed reviews from TV critics, it will just feel right to watch the original Rocky Horror Picture Show in Vancouver. The one we all know and love, the original Tim Curry masterpiece… Okay, maybe not a masterpiece. But a unique and memorable movie with a catchy soundtrack that always gets stuck in your head. (Just TRY to not start singing along after “it’s just a jump to left“).
With Halloween quickly approaching, you know that the Rocky Horror Picture Show will be making appearances on multiple TV stations on the dial this weekend. But, if you want to experience it as it was meant to be experienced (surrounded by a bunch of new friends dressed up in strange costumes), the Rio Theatre is the place to be.
Are you ready to do the Time Warp… again?

On Monday, October 31 at 11:00pm, the Rio Theatre will be opening its doors to invite in a raucous audience ready to sing along and dance the night away.
As always, costumes and audience participation are highly encouraged and maybe even essential – it is Halloween, after all! Prop bags included in this event. (You’re definitely welcome to bring your own prop bags, too, but – whatever you do – PLEASE, NO RICE!) Tickets are still available online and cost $15 (or $18 at the door).
Alternatively, if you’re open to a different adaptation of the cult classic, the Rio Theatre will also be hosting three nights of debauchery with a live stage representation of the movie being performed from Thursday, October 27 until Saturday, October 29. The original live stage version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show will be getting an update from one of Vancouver’s favourite nerdlesque troupes (nerdlesque = nerdy burlesque).
This deliberately kitschy, rock ‘n’ roll, gothic sci-fi parody will be more fun than you’ve ever seen it when it’s performed live, on stage. Again, costumes are very much welcome and audience participation is encouraged. Tickets to each of the shows are still available online and cost $20 in advance or $25 door.
Whether you’re set on watching the original or you want to give the live stage show a try, make sure you get a little Dr. Frank-N-Furter into your life this Halloween season.