Vancouver TheatreSports League Embraces Social Media Hilarity in #Nofilter – The LOL of TMI
For the longest time, I resisted the allure of social media, but now that I’ve given in, I’ve become an almost obsessive checker of Instagram and Twitter. My boyfriend usually has to pry my phone away from me before I’ll actually pay attention to what he’s trying to tell me about his day. How can he positively compete with photos of people’s food, cats, and latest outfit? I’ve avoided posting photos of us with puppy eyes on social media, but it’s only a matter of time …
If it’s all starting to become ludicrous to you as well, you should definitely check out Vancouver TheatreSports League’s (VTSL) new show that pokes fun at our current digital, social media crazed age.
#NoFilter – The LOL of TMI is a hilarious choice for a date night, or an outing with a group of friends (perhaps some of your followers on Snapchat). I’m always impressed by the razor sharp humour of the VTSL and their ability to come up with clever, often incisive skits and scenes in mere seconds. And part of the reason they’re so funny is that their jokes often hit very close to home as they provide an on-stage mirror of contemporary society in all its foibles and strangeness.
Photo Credit: Sourced from VTSL
This time, VTSL is delving into the weird, self-involved, and information overkill world of social media. For those guilty of posting selfies, becoming a little too hashtag happy, and poring over photos of their ex with their new partner, this show is the thing for you.
The show embraces the pervasiveness of the digital realm by literally incorporating it into their show: a giant screen will project live-streamed social media. The screen’s projections will be built into the improv, as well as suggestions from the audience, given verbally, by text, or by tweet.
The show is divided into two parts, the first being devoted to short skits that use actual social media material as inspiration. For example, audience members could volunteer their own Facebook status updates for use as the banter between the show’s cast. Or, Kim Kardashian’s or Donald Trump’s tweets could become the dialogue for a vignette (eep). TED Talks, YouTube, Snapchat feeds could all potentially become comedy fodder for those improvising on stage. Audience members will be able to serve as Trolls, heckling and commenting as always happens on social media.
Photo Credit: Sourced from VTSL
After the intermission, #NoFilter then involves the creation of longer improv that explores a social media phenomenon with even more side-splitting depth. Perhaps an extended scene will look at conversations on Reddit and create a mini movie based on their dialogue. Or, Tumblr content will construct a whole storyline about a celebrity and their daily social media activities. Basically, with VTSL, anything is possible since it’s improvised and dependent on audience suggestions for the night. In short, no show is exactly the same!
#NoFilter – The LOL of TMI runs every Thursday evening at 9:15 at the Improv Centre (1502 Duranleau Street). Tickets are available on-line. Shows are half price ($7.50 plus fees and taxes) for a limited time, so don’t delay!