Vancouver Art Gallery Launches Online Series

Art is what has the power to connect us all right now; whether it’s a documentary about a Lisa Frank-styling tiger-exploiting man from Florida that captivates a generation for a hot minute, or performances that are translated to multiple languages for hundreds of years or mosaics preserved through millennia. These varied and reflective moments, put together by artists, are what make us feel, collectively, as people, across space and time.
The Vancouver Art Gallery has launched a series where we can connect with art and each other every Tuesday and Friday. Through live, interactive talks with guests from local and international arts communities, our living rooms become a space of discussion, discovery, and inspiration.
This Friday, the Gallery invites Afro Van Connect founders Dae Shields and Buni Kor to discuss freestyling, power and exchange in music for Afro Van Connect on Futurism and Freestyling.
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