Canadian Tire National Skating Championships Return to Vancouver in 2021
Credit: Sport Hosting Vancouver
Skate Canada has announced that Vancouver will be the 2021 Canadian Tire National Skating Championships host city. This will be Vancouver's seventh time hosting the National Championships, the last being in 2018 alongside the 2018 ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final. Both premier figure skating events that year took place at the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Arena at the University of British Columbia, where the 2021 Championships will be held. The 2018 Canadian Tire Skating Championship was a finalist for Canadian Event of the Year at the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance's (CSTA) PRESTIGE Awards.
Over 40,000 spectators enjoyed the 2018 event over 7 days of intense competition. The Championships' most popular session was the Saturday evening, where a sellout crowd of over 5,400 enjoyed the final National Championships of Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir in the Ice Dance competition. in addition to the over 150 volunteers and 40,000 + spectators, the event brought in over 1.2 million broadcasting views in 2018. The City of Vancouver and Sport Hosting Vancouver are looking forward to welcoming back the Championships next year.
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