5 Vancouver Pride Events you May Not Know About

By Rachel Rosenberg
As we edge closer to Vancouver’s Pride Parade on August 4th, events are beginning to finalize, calendars are full to bursting, and we should all be trying to get some sleep in the weeks before it all starts happening. I’ve done my best to pick through the events out there and find 5 you might not have come across before — even if some of them sell out in advance, mark them down for next year!

I hope you already got your tickets, because for the second year running, this event sold out in minutes. A marriage of food and drag at a Vancouver institution, this is an exciting collab between Alternative Pride and Save-On Meats (43 W Hastings St). Doors are at 8:30 and you should come hungry for some delicious specials, but make sure you arrive before the 10 PM drag show featuring Victoria’s Vivian Vanderpuss and Quarterback, as well as local stars Bibi Souphresh, Tiffany Ann Co, Daphne Doogood and DJ Amy Grindhouse. Info listed here.

Hosted by Black Lives Matter – Vancouver, BC, this march continues the original rebellious spirit of Pride. The march will begin at Emery Barnes Park and continue up Davie Street to end at Alexandra Park. There will be speakers, poets and musicians there to celebrate queer, trans and Two-Spirit people of colour. It should make for a glorious afternoon, so check out their event page for accessibility info and ways to help.

The Vancouver Art Gallery (750 Hornby Street) is hosting a pride-tacular on Friday, August 2. The event sounds like it shouldn’t be missed as it highlights and celebrates LGBTQ+ community contributions. There will be pop-up conversations between queer artists and activists as part of the Queer Living Library, as well as an interactive mural to paint, a drag event and two licensed bars. The collection will also be open for attendees to meander through, so regular admission applies: $24 for general attendees, $18 for students and seniors, and free for members.

This Biltmore Cabaret event is going to be amazing — and I know because I’m helping to write the questions! Host Shanda Leer will keep everyone laughing and guessing (or, hopefully, knowing) as the city’s biggest Drag Race fans compete for the trophy. Get practicing for the lip sync competition before you arrive, and feel free to get as glam as you want to be. Tickets are $12 and all proceeds for this July 30th event go to LGBTQ+ hub Qmunity.

$15 early tickets for this Public Disco warehouse dance party are already sold out, but you can still grab some for $20 or bounce and shimmy over to Eastside Studios on August 2nd for $23 door entry. DJs Easy Bake Coven, Body Party, G Love, Paperwave and Nancy Dru will be setting the retro gay club vibes, while the event space includes lounge spaces, two dance floors and an outdoor parking lot patio. If that isn’t enough to convince you, there will be “glitter and grit” performances and vogueing. Info and tickets here.
Rachel Rosenberg is a writer and library technician who is a proud member of the LGBTQ2+ community. She writes for Book Riot and can be found on Twitter @LibraryRachelR
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