Local choreographers strut their (new) stuff at 12 Minutes Max this Friday

12 Minutes Max showcases five eclectic dance works by some of Vancouver’s most exciting and innovative up-and-coming choreographers.
First launched in Vancouver in 1994, the showcase supports the development of new works throughout the season. The 42nd edition takes place June 15, beginning at 8 p.m. See below for more info on what to expect from this exciting dance showcase at Scotiabank Dance Centre (677 Davie St.).
Two Chapters on Interconnectedness—Choreographer Katie Cassady‘s piece is described as “a meditation on interconnectedness, nature, and climate change.” Its starting point is an anecdote from Professor Robert Hass told at the 2008 conference Creativity in the Face of Climate Change on cultural conceptions about nature. Cassady performs the piece with Marissa Wong.

Stages of Self Burial in Today’s Pleasure Garden -OR- Confessions of a Strange Pigeon—The concept of the pleasure garden is the basis for this piece from Sophie Maguire. Historically a public space established as an entertainment hub, the pleasure garden was a place to see and be seen; today, it’s an aesthetic and a platform. Maguire holds a Masters of Landscape Architecture from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.
Within—Alejandra Miranda and Juan Villegas apply traditional Latin American folk dances into a contemporary improvisational structure (or vice versa). They created this duet in collaboration with accordionist John Gonzalez, who accompanies the dancers.
Mi Piel—A solo flamenco piece from Colombian-born Jhoely Triana described as “a personal and expressive exploration of the deep emotions inspired by the wedding dress that she made seven years ago.
Off Centre—Sujit Vaidya’s pieces is a bharatanatyam duet with US-based dancer Arun Mathai, accompanied by percussionist Curtis Andrews. The work “explores a sense of duality that dwells within us resulting in parallel realities that can be in conflict or coexist.” Sujit’s work aims to highlight bharatanatyam, a genre of Indian classical dance, in its current contemporary context.
12 Minutes Max started in 1994. The Dance Centre remodeled and relaunched the series in 2014, with a focus on choreographic development, critical feedback and dialogue. Each season has three modules of up to four artists each, with a rotating panel of guest curators providing support, and moderated studio showings. At the end of the season, a selection of the works are shown in full performance.

Edition #42
When: Friday June 15, 2018 at 8pm
Where: Scotiabank Dance Centre, 677 Davie St
Tickets $28/$22 students & seniors from Tickets Tonight: 604.684.2787 or visit ticketstonight.ca.