Vancouver’s Gay Nuns: Get Close and Personal on Sept. 30, 2017

By Casey Stepaniuk
Have you ever heard of Vancouver’s gay nuns? Maybe you’ve seen them marching in one of the Lower Mainland’s Pride parades. Maybe you’ve seen folks dressed up in beautiful elaborate costumes and make-up roaming Davie St in the heart of the gay village at any time of year. Maybe you’ve caught a glimpse of them at an LGBTQ2+ fundraiser. This September 30th, you can have a chance to find out what Vancouver’s gay nuns (also known as the Vancouver Joyful Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence) are all about and who they are.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are, in their own words, “an order of 21st century queer nuns who welcome a broad spectrum of genders, sexual orientations and religious/spiritual traditions.” Using “humour, irreverent wit and glamorous manifestation,” the sisters do social justice work, seeking “to transform social structures that continue to oppress the vulnerable in our society.” They do a lot of community service work and introspection in support of both their own “spiritual and personal development” as well as those of the communities they serve. In particular, they do work related to improving the lives of those living with HIV, alleviating and eliminating homelessness, and supporting other like-minded groups and projects.

On the afternoon of September 30th, the Sisters are offering a really neat opportunity for a behind-the-scenes peek and a chance to get to know them individually and as an organization. You’ll get a chance to see them putting on their iconic white face and make-up! You can ask them questions about their mission as LGBTQ2+ Sisters! You can simply bask in the glow of their love and wisdom! The plan is for the Sisters to go out for drinks or dinner on Davie street after the get-to-know-you.
RSVP to the Facebook event here. And check out the Sisters’ website, where you can find a lot more information on the amazing community work they do, about them officiating weddings and ceremonies, their “sistory,” and more!
When: September 30th, 3:00-5:00pm
Where: 1435 Nelson Street (in Vancouver’s West End)
How Much: Free!
Casey Stepaniuk is a writer and librarian-in-training who runs the website Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian, where you can find LGBTQ+ Canadian book reviews and a queer book advice column. She also writes for Book Riot. Find her on Twitter: @canlesbrarian
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